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5 Random Movie Facts You Probably Didn't Know - Part 2

We all love being able to impress our friends and families by recalling random facts about the movies we know and love. Here's 5 more you should know.

1. Bill Murray was almost Batman. For a while in the mid-80s Ghostbusters director Ivan Reitman was going to direct a potential Batman movie where Murray would've played the caped crusader. Additionally Eddie Murphy was attached to play Robin. While Murray has stated he thinks he would've made an awesome Batman, he has also praised Michael Keaton for his performance.

2. Fight Club director David Fincher, who has a reputation for being a perfectionist by filming an obscene number of takes, had a stunt man fall down the stairs twelve times. He ended up using the very first take.

3. 1960's Psycho was the first American movie to ever show a toilet flushing on screen. It may well have been one of the first movies in the world to show a toilet at all. Given that even setting a scene in a bathroom was pretty taboo at the time, including the flushing toilet was very controversial.

4. Despite making over $240 million (approx $355 million when adjusted for inflation) at the domestic US box office and holding the title of the highest grossing romantic comedy of all time, My Big Fat Greek Wedding never won a box office weekend. The film faced stiff competition from the likes of The Ring, 8 Mile and Jackass: The Movie during different weekends.

5. Neither Michelle Rodriguez or Jordana Brewster had their driver's license when they were cast in The Fast and the Furious. Brewster had to quickly learn to drive, in New York City of all places, and had to pass a driving test on her first attempt or risk being dropped from the film. Meanwhile Rodriguez has stated that learning to drive for the fast car series led to her developing some bad driving habits such as speeding.


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