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5 Random Movie Facts You Probably Didn't Know - Part 1

We all love being able to impress our friends and families by recalling random facts about the movies we know and love. Here's 5 more you should know.

1. John Rhys-Davis who played Gimli the dwarf in The Lord of the Rings trilogy is actually 6'1". He was the tallest member of the fellowship cast.

2. The cigarettes Sigourney Weaver's character smokes in Avatar were entirely GCI. This was done to protect Weaver's lungs from the harm of smoking. While filming these scenes Weaver would only have a toothpick between her fingers.

3. Toy Story's Buzz Lightyear was almost named Lunar Larry. The initials LL are even present on some of the character's early concept designs. Tempus of Morph was another name considered before the filmmakers settled on Buzz Lightyear.

4. In the first Harry Potter film, Harry never actually casts a single spell. While he learns to ride a broomstick and has a few attempts at the levitation charm, he is never seen successfully casting a spell.

5. R2-D2 is known for communicating via a series of beeping noises but in early drafts for the original Star Wars movie R2-D2 spoke in full sentences of dialogue. Some of these lines even included insulting C-3PO.


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